[英文詩歌翻譯]Christmas Day by Chris Tomlin

試試看....第一次自己翻譯英文詩歌喔 ><


阿翻完之後覺得很好笑 ><

Joy to the world  大地歡喜

On a night like no other  祢降生平凡夜裡

Emmanuel   以馬內利

God is with us   神的同在

Beggars and kings   要來尊崇

Let us come and adore Him   不論貧賤或富貴

Rest in His peace    屈膝祢腳前

And bow before Him    安息祢懷裡

Sing all you people, the Lord Almighty reigns   全能神掌權,萬民都歌唱敬拜

Sing every creature of God, come bless His name    萬物稱頌祢的救恩和聖名

For He is good, for He is good   何等尊貴,何等榮美

He was born to conquer the grave   降世為人,祢勝過死亡

Light of the world, the reason for Christmas Day    成就聖誕,彌賽亞充滿榮光

Stars we have seen   雖有黑夜

Over deserts and oceans   祢雙手鋪陳星宿

The darkness was deep   指引我方向

But never hopeless   祢帶來盼望

Redemption came   羔羊降下

And His name is Jesus   救世主基督

Sing all you people, the Lord Almighty reigns   全能神掌權,萬民都歌唱敬拜

Sing every creature of God, come bless His name    萬物稱頌祢的救恩和聖名

For He is good, for He is good   何等尊貴,何等榮美

He was born to conquer the grave   降世為人,祢勝過死亡

Light of the world, the reason for Christmas Day    成就聖誕,彌賽亞充滿榮光

From the mountains, we will shout it out   在眾山上,我們呼喊祢

For the Lord, our God Almighty reigns   至高神的國已經降臨

He is with us, He is with us now   神的同在,現在在這裡

For the Lord, our God Almighty reigns   祢永遠掌權我的生命

吼...這首歌被我翻成這樣,對不起 Chris Tomlin 欸 ><




Louder and louder
